Bridgewater Softball offers recreational and tournament-level fastpitch softball for girls in Bridgewater, Raritan, and its surrounding areas.
The recreational league plays in the Spring for grades from 1st through 8th.
The tournament-level program, the Bridgewater Lady Panthers travel team, plays in competitive Leagues and Club-level tournaments in the Fall, Spring and Summer and trains in the Winter.
Based out of Bridgewater, NJ, Bridgewater Softball is organized for the purpose of promoting and participating in activities for the service of girls and young women, by providing supervised, athletic events for female softball players. Bridgewater Softball is dedicated to provide a recreational outlet of healthy activity and training under good leadership in an atmosphere of wholesome participation, good sportsmanship and fair play.
The softball leagues are divided strictly on the basis of school grade. All leagues play 2 days per week, usually with start times at 6:00pm or 8:00pm. While our preference is always to play games at 6:00 pm, field availability requires that we rotate the 8:00pm game times through the teams in Minors and above. In Pee Wee and Minors there are no scheduled Monday games, but the Softball teams have Mondays if they wish to schedule an extra practice, or make-up a rained-out game.
| 1/2
| Tuesdays & Thursdays - 6pm
| TBD |
MINORS | 3/4/5 | Wednesdays & Fridays - 6 & 8pm
| TBD |
MAJORS | 6/7/8
| Mondays & Fridays - 6 & 8pm
| TBD |
PEE WEE - Grades 1/2: This instructional league takes over where Tee Ball left off. Players receive on-field instruction in batting, fielding, sliding, game rules, safety, and good sportsmanship. All players are placed on teams geographically. A soft core softball is used, free substitution and full roster batting are used, and players are able to try many field positions. Most games are played at North Bridge Park. Games are played on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 6:00pm.
MINOR LEAGUE - Grades 3/4/5: This is a more competitive multi town league with an exciting end-of-season playoff in which all teams participate. Teams are selected via a draft process. Players may expect to focus on specific playing positions and to learn more advanced skills. Most games are played at North Bridge Park. Games are played on Wednesday and Friday nights at 6:00pm and occasionally at 8:00pm.
MAJOR LEAGUE - Grades 6/7/8: This is a competitive multi town league with an exciting end-of-season playoff in which all teams participate. Teams are selected via a draft process. Players will be expected to focus on specific playing positions and to learn more advanced skills. Games are played at North Bridge, on Monday and Friday nights at 6:00pm and/or 8:00pm.